Big Questions: Ukraine with Bridget Kendall
Wednesday 9 March, 11.30am-12.15pm
Live on zoom
The crisis in Ukraine is dominating the global news agenda as events move with incredible pace with implications for global stability. Young people are raising questions about the situation and expressing concerns about the impact it will have on the world around them.
We’re inviting Secondary schools across the UK to join us for a special live online event with Ex BBC Diplomatic Correspondent and Russia expert Bridget Kendall.
Young people will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding of the crisis currently taking place in Ukraine.
About Bridget Kendall
Bridget Kendall was BBC Moscow correspondent from 1989 to 1994, covering the final years of the Soviet Union and the first years of post-Soviet Russia. She was BBC Washington correspondent from 1994 to 1998 during the Clinton Presidency.
From 1998 to 2016 she held the senior role of BBC Diplomatic correspondent, reporting on major global trends and crises, and analysing their impact on Britain and the world. As a former Moscow correspondent and Russian speaker, she maintained a particular interest in Russia.
Besides witnessing the collapse of the Soviet Union, she covered conflicts in Chechnya, Georgia, Tadjikistan, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. She has interviewed world leaders including Margaret Thatcher, US President George H Bush, President Yushchenko of Ukraine, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and President Vladimir Putin.
Since 2008 she has presented The Forum on the BBC World Service and is Master of Peterhouse College, Cambridge.
About Big Questions
International events, new viruses, natural disasters, scientific discoveries and political developments, Big Questions offers schools a space for young people to make sense of the world today.
Big Questions offer a meaningful space for young people to get a better understanding of current affairs, especially events which are confusing, disruptive, divisive, or disturbing. Big Questions offers young people an opportunity to ask questions and express their concerns to leading experts. In order to enable schools across the UK to take part and to respond swiftly, events will be held live online with a UK-wide schools audience joining via zoom.