Welfare Officer
Chai attended The School Of Life where she studied the art of cheering up humans, napping, and being a very good girl. It was here that she found her love of tasty mini puppy treats, gouda and being the recipient of love and attention from her adoring public.
Chai has recently discovered her calling as Welfare Officer at Big Ideas and is excelling in her role. Most of her day to day tasks involve lying on the floor to get belly rubs, sitting on laps, and improving the morale and welfare of the staff. She has discovered that her human colleagues do not like being greeted in the same manner as fellow dogs, now she is familiar with the social customs of the office she is doing brilliantly. When Chai is not at work she enjoys getting acquainted with other dogs, running, walking, barking at bumblebees, squirrels and alerting her owners to the presence of birds.