We work with local authorities and providers across the UK to support HAF delivery with fun and engaging enrichment programmes.

Get in touch with the team to find out more: holidayactivities@big-ideas.org

What we can offer your HAF programme

We work closely with local authorities to identify what they need for their HAF programme. We offer the following:

  1. Facilitator Packs – To support face-to-face delivery we have step-by-step printed activities your facilitators can use in their sessions when they’re looking for something high quality and enriching that connects to the HAF requirements. This includes digital training sessions.
  2. Home Activity Packs – we offer a high-quality home activity pack for each young person to take home that brings healthy eating learning to life and brings the family together.

“It was learning in its best form, as children were allowed to learn healthy ways of eating whilst playing.”

What are the Facilitators Packs?

We offer devised activities for facilitators to run with their group of young people. Our activities are tried and tested in previous HAF programmes and with our networks including the Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade. The packs are a step-by-step guide that the facilitator can pick up and use straight away. They include 4 one-hour activities with a warm up, main activity, and cool down.

“I loved it and so did the children. Every aspect seemed to be thought about and the little tips given worked great. The provision was really easy to use. It was very outside of the box.”

Facilitator packs available:

  1. Food and Feelings – Brings healthy eating and nutritional education to life with fun games and activities. Includes activities that invite parents and guardians to participate and also to contribute practical tips on food budgeting and planning food for the family.
  2. Rainy Day Activities (with SEN focus) – A mixed package of fun enrichment activities to run with your group to enhance your programme or to use on a rainy day. This pack has a particular focus on practical SEN guidance for providers new to delivering for mixed-need groups.
  3. Football Remembers – A unique enrichment pack to run alongside football activities which brings together history, sport, creativity, communication and local commemoration. Creates a strong connection between young people and the community.

Each venue will receive a printed pack and acccess to an online training session. 

“It was lovely to see them excited not just about making food for once but actually just talking about food and sharing their opinions on what they liked and didn’t like and being able to encourage each other to try different things.”

Home Activity Packs – Food, Family & Fitness

This Home Activity Pack is for local authorities who are offering take-home activities to support their in-person programmes.

It is a high-quality, enriching, and creative Activity Pack to be used at home based on the core foundations of the HAF Programme – Food and Fitness – explored through the theme of family. At the heart of the Pack is a Recipe & Activity book created by Big Ideas, with space for young people to fill in their own recipes or those of their friends and family, engaging conversation games to connect families together, and fun fitness challenges to keep fit at home.

It is suitable for all age groups and works well for families to use together as well as for many young people to enjoy independently.

“They loved the colouring. They spent ages on it and really enjoyed it. They did the lunchbox design and one of their pictures is still up on the fridge.”