Working with London schools during the pandemic has required constant adaptation in consultation with teachers and young people. Our Letters to London series is an example of this within the GameChangers programme. Big Ideas held a series of eight local workshops for both Primary and Secondary aged pupils in London regions with a focus on advocacy based on lived experience. Working with Dekan Apajee, former BBC London journalist, the GameChangers team invited young Londoners to write their own Letter to London telling City Hall what is important to them and the changes they would like to see.

A total of 4140 young people from 74 schools participated in the workshops each generating their own, personal powerful letter to send directly to City Hall.
Dear London,
I think a youth club would be a great idea because it can be a bit worrying to see a group of older kids hanging around the streets…
Firstly, there is too much pollution around schools! The reason this is bad is that the pollution can affect children’s mental health which leads to bad attitude towards work…
Sometimes when I am walking in tower hamlets I sometimes see animals in the water (ducks) eating or chewing on rubbish…
Just because I am 13, it doesn’t mean my voice shouldn’t be heard…