Workshop content creation for the Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade (JLGB)
Big Ideas has been working with the Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade (JLGB) since 2020 consulting on their programming. Since 2021 we have been producing their workshop content for their weekly group meetings.
JLGB run youth groups in Jewish communities across the UK and some groups internationally.
We work collaboratively with the programme team at JLGB as well as their young leaders to produce rolling workshops content for each term, ensuring each workshop aligns with their specific goals.
Catering for young people from 8 to 18, each session brings life skill learning to groups across the country in fun and imaginative ways, and the weekly virtual versions connect Big Ideas JLGB sessions with young people across the UK.
The workshops are designed to be “grab and go” so that the young facilitators have everything they need at the fingertips to run their workshop. Each workshop outline includes a step by step guide plus photos and video content to illustrate the steps, as well as costs for materials, set up information, and tips on how to make the workshop safe, inclusive and fun.
Each workshop has a special theme with introductory and closing activities, and adaptations for three age groups (8-11, 11-14, 14+) plus an option to run the workshop virtually.
We create a terms-worth of content at a time which is available to facilitators on a bespoke digital platform that we upload content to.