In the spirit of Prince Albert’s original Great Exhibition, which showcased the most exciting Victorian technology and inventions from 1851, students across the country will take part in engineering challenges and create their own Great Exhibitions at home!


For this year’s challenge, participants will submit a 1 minute video presenting their Great Exhibition at Home, which tackles the question:

How can engineering help protect the planet?

Take part in The Great Exhibition at Home Challenge to be in with a chance of winning fantastic prizes including: £500 worth of equipment to supersize STEM subjects in your school, the opportunity to video chat one with one of our inspiring engineers and more!

From the start of the Summer Term Big Ideas will be running 7 weeks of virtual engagement and support that you and your students can take part in, this engagement will focus on one set of challenge worksheets each week. Teachers, parents and carers can keep updated with our weekly Great Exhibition at Home newsletter by signing up through the form below. 

Alternatively you can download your digital resource pack and weekly worksheets now if you’d like to get started right away and complete the challenges at your own pace.

Click on the links below to download our Resource Pack for Educators and the Great Exhibition at Home Worksheets 

Guidelines on how to submit your entry can be found here and you can upload your entry online at Alternatively an adult can submit young people’s entries via email to

You can also email with any questions or for support throughout the project.

Join our Facebook community, a group for teachers to share ideas and ask questions about the challenges throughout the project. If you would like to be a Great Exhibition Champion and have your school’s work featured then get touch with us by emailing

The deadline for entries is 31 July 2020.

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Watch the video above to find out more about this exciting new project