No Barriers at Home 2020

No Barriers at Home was a sport meets social action project presented by Big Ideas with the Greater London Authority, the Football Association of Ireland and the Mayor of London.

Young people in schools and community groups across the UK and Ireland were invited to discover footballers, past and present, who have overcome barriers (including gender inequality, racism, mental health and disability) to achieve success.

The project was initially designed as a celebration of the UEFA EURO 2020 tournament, with one No Barriers Champion for each of the host cities. Despite the postponement of the Euros, young people took part in home learning activities to showcase what they learned and to join the No Barriers Community page: a way of virtually coming together and celebrating diversity.

No Barriers at Home culminated with the Create Your Own Champion Challenge. Young people had the exciting opportunity to create their own No Barriers Champion card, celebrating someone who has made a positive impact in their community.