Big Ideas is five this month.
In 2015, when Big Ideas was founded, the buzz of the London Olympics was still fresh in our minds. That event not only saw the world come to the UK but, beyond the sport spectacle, it brought the UK together. Whether it was the Olympic Torch Relay, the involvement of countless schools, the shift in attitudes caused by the Paralympics, or the celebration of the Opening Ceremony, the London Olympics went far beyond the stadium.

Big Ideas aimed to capture and continue the experience of communities across the country – and across the world – sharing national and international events. The ‘big idea’ is simple: let’s bring everyone together, let’s be part of something big.
The past five years have been years of change. The Windrush Scandal, Grenfell Tower, the Scottish referendum and Brexit have changed us. Politics has become more divided. Inevitably, we are seeing an increase in polarisation.
Against this backdrop, the Big Ideas project has become more relevant. Building bridges through shared experience is more important now, than ever.