Remember RAF100
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Remember RAF100 activities and workshops were held at the RAF100 centenary event from Friday 6 – Tuesday 10 July 2018 at Horse Guards Parade in London. The Remember RAF100 project was funded by the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government, the National Lottery and RAF100, through the Chancellor’s LIBOR funds.
The programme was a unique opportunity for schools and community groups across the UK to mark the centenary of the Armistice, and to discover and commemorate the contributions of the RAF in the First World War and the present day. The project invited groups to discover local RAF history and to commemorate First World War service personnel in 2018.
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Read more news about Remember RAF 100 here.
Commemoration activities
Groups found their nearest air service war grave with the Remember RAF100 database. The Remember RAF100 database was designed to help them research-and-remember RAF service personnel who lost their lives in World War One. Once they researched the RAF in their local area or community, many groups visited a grave or memorial and paid their respects.
Groups also illustrated our specially commissioned poetry book with poems by children’s author Jim Eldridge.

“Encouraging members of the Warndon community, both young and old, to research and tell the stories of local people buried nearby who served during the First World War, and to commemorate their lives in simple, but poignant ways, was both humbling and a privilege”
James Robertson at Warndon Library
How you can get involved in Remember RAF100
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Keep up-to-date with the project
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Big Ideas
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Remember RAF100 is led by Big Ideas and funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and RAF100, through the Chancellor’s LIBOR funds. Remember RAF100 is part of Remember Together, which brings diverse communities together to commemorate shared – and often sidelined – heritage, bringing significant marginalised heritage into the mainstream.