Tull 100 – No Barriers
Tull100 explored the life of Walter Tull, one of the first soldiers of black heritage to become an officer in the British infantry, and the first to lead his men into battle.
Groups were asked to hold a No Barriers conversation, working together to acknowledge and address the barriers they and and people in their community face.
Empowering Communities
Big Ideas awarded 29 special medals of commendation, one for each year of Walter Tull’s life, celebrating groups who organised outstanding activity as part of the Tull 100 project.
Events held included:
- No Barriers football tournament
- Deaf families event day
- Disabled and non-disabled dance performances
- Professional and amateur theatre productions
- School writing competitions
This project demonstrated that whatever barrier you face you can overcome, in the words of one of the group members ‘you should focus on ability, not on the disability’.