STEM with Wings takes off with NASA and the RAF

STEM with Wings launched as Primary Schools from across the UK were joined by NASA Robotics Engineer Ashitey Trebi-Ollenu, the man who lives on earth…but works on Mars.  Taking over 9,000 young people through his journey from Ghana, to the UK, to NASA – Ashitey...

Groundbreaking Innovators of the Future

Great Exhibition2 returns for British Science Week, 2024 For British Science Week, ten Imperial researchers visited schools local to Imperial with the Great Exhibition2 project.  More than 500 young people who took part were challenged to become the next generation of...

Real-life mathematician takes Essex by storm

How did you celebrate Valentine’s Day? This year, Big Ideas leaned into romance with a love song to… mathematics. My First Love: Maths was designed to connect with the enjoyment of the subject and to offer young people an opportunity to meet a professional...

Close ties at The Abbey Centre

Big Ideas delivered the first of a series of events for older people’s networks in London at the Abbey Centre in Westminster at the end of January.  The Young at Heart group, along with The Card Sharks, formed an audience of 25 people. Together, they watched the...

New friends in Canada

Following on from the great success of John McCrae 150 last year, The Maple Leaf Trust, Canada UK Foundation, Canada UK Chamber of Commerce and Canada Memorial Foundation came together for a second time to support an international remembrance event for schools in the...

What happens if you fall off the moon?

Aspire to Engineer: To the Moon with the Royal Commission for 1851 broke all previous records with a week of lunar engineering events before the holidays. And no wonder, when they were able to meet three of the world’s top space engineers all working together on the...